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  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Standards for High School Science Courses Grade 9-Grade 12
    Download the performance standards for Science courses in North American Adventist high schools: Earth Science Physical...

  • Adventist Resource
    Anatomy of a Value Tertiary
    Formulating values requires a synthesis of components to be in place for successful embodiment within a person’s life. This article examines these components using Louis Rath’s seven criteria of a value. Some of these criteria states values must...

  • Adventist Resource
    Branching Blood Vessels Grade 11-Tertiary
    "This activity explores some of the factors that affect blood flow in branching vessels and is designed for AP Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Physics. You may want to do this as activity as a series of labs or you can assign the problems to different...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Health Curriculum Guide 9-12 Grade 9-Grade 12
    The NAD curriculum guide for teaching health principles and practice to grades 9-12 includes rationale, philosophy, goals, and descriptions of major subtopics. NOTE: Rather than rely on older curriculum guides, NAD teachers should consult the NAD...

  • Adventist Resource
    Science - NAD Secondary Textbook List Grade 9-Grade 12
    The current NAD textbook list for high school science classes, including multiple options for earth science, physical science, biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy & physiology. Strengths for most textbooks are listed, as well as weaknesses and concerns...

  • Adventist Resource
    Should We Use Animals in Adventist Schools? Grade 6-Lifelong
    Deciding whether or not to use animals for science classes is an often controversial decision. Presented are biblical references relating to the relationship between animals and humans; questions and answers about why animals are used in the first place; alternatives...