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  • Adventist Resource
    Conflict Resolution for the Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Conflict significantly disrupts achievement within classrooms. It effects individuals but also influences group members and potentially a wider community. Minimizing conflict optimizes opportunity and this is the goal of sharing these insights."

  • Adventist Resource
    Shaping Peacemakers - Practical How-To's for Teachers Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Christian educators play a significant role in shaping young peacemakers whose spirit and influence will be felt, not only in their home life, but also in all their relationships." This article provides practical tips on helping children to become...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Burden of the Teacher Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "The burden of the teacher is to show students how ideas are connected to each other. This is more necessary than ever in today’s digital world. Teaching connectedness requires personal revelation as to values, priorities, and experiences on the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Student Voice Grade 9-Grade 12
    Teachers and school administrators must learn to really listen to their students, to invite their participation in school government, and to act upon their suggestions for changes when they are warranted.

  • Christian Resource
    The Young Peacemaker Grade 3-Grade 8
    Help your students develop conflict resolution skills using the excellent Young Peacemaker series. A parent/teacher manual, 12 student booklets and colorful chart can be ordered online, along with many other useful resources.