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  • Adventist Resource
    Adventists' Attitude Towards Public and Civic Activities Grade 10-Lifelong
    It is not the purpose of this compilation to solve anyone's problem. Each Adventist must decide for himself after personal consideration of the problem in the light of his own study and of the instruction emanating from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.......

  • Adventist Resource
    Educational Public Policies and the Municipal Council of Education in Lavras Tertiary
    This article aims to show the role played by the Municipal Council of Education of Lavras (MG) as an instrument of mobilization of the benefited segments in the defense of their interests and in the division of decision-making power. The administrative reform...

  • Adventist Resource
    Hernán Fernández Lobos - Dialogue with an Adventist leader of religious affairs in southern Chile Grade 11-Tertiary
    "Get involved in the great conversation of faith with other communities. They should never feel isolated from you as a faith group. The more we work toward unity and inclusion in understanding one another—our faith, our culture, our religious and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Schools of Public Health and their Role in Development Tertiary
    "Schools of public health have an important role in leadership for their local community, but also for the broader society. They should train health workers, influence public policy, and do research, as well as collaborating with health workers in other...