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  • Adventist Resource
    Pathways 2.0 - NAD Integrated Language Arts Website Kindergarten-Grade 8 New!!
    Find resources to successfully implement the North American Division integrated language arts program for elementary English studies. Pathways is organized around two central features: cross-curricular themes and a scope and sequence of strategies. This program...

  • Adventist Resource
    Dissecting and Experiencing the Reading workshop for Teachers and Administrators Kindergarten-Grade 6
    Learn how to use the reading workshop strategy, as part of the Pathways reading program, from this presentation by Martha Havens and Lynal Ingham, NAD Pacific Union education leaders. This powerpoint was presented...

  • Adventist Resource
    Guided Reading and Pathways Kindergarten-Grade 4
    Discover how guided reading is used as an integral part of Pathways. Barbara Plubell's 2006 NAD Teachers Convention presentation provides insights and resources for lower elementary reading classes.

  • Adventist Resource
    Readers Theatre, Bible and Fluency Grade 3-Grade 12
    "Readers Theatre has been a dramatic genre for many years. Only recently, however, has it been seriously applied to educational endeavors and, even then, seldom to the teaching of Biblical themes and related values. In view of the mandate to integrate...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Write Stuff Kindergarten-Tertiary
    Student writers are often inhibited by the fear of teachers bleeding red ink all over writing assignments, or sarcastically reading papers out loud as examples of what not to do. Teachers themselves often harbor their own frustrations about the task of teaching...