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  • Adventist Resource
    ECE Be Like Jesus Companion 0-2 years-Kindergarten
    This web resource has printable lesson plans, videos, stories, and activity suggestions for parents or teachers. Topics include Honesty, Love, Acceptance, Obedience, Respect, Trust, Giving, Joy/Happiness, Perseverance, Responsibility, Caring, and Sharing....

  • Adventist Resource
    Let's Share, OK? 0-2 years-Lifelong
    This article explains the stages children go through as they learn to share and gives suggestions for ways you can promote sharing.

  • Adventist Resource
    The Doorbell Rang - Daily Lesson Guide and Trade Book Grade 1
    NAD Pathways Grade 1 selection for Theme 5: Friends & Family. Each time the doorbell rings, there are more people who have come to share Ma's wonderful cookies.

  • Christian Resource
    The Heart of Mentoring Tertiary-Lifelong
    Author David Stoddard has discovered that in mentoring, giving often involves receiving, and receiving involves giving. By sharing your life with others, you will help them develop their values and priorities - not with a rigid formula or agenda, but in the...