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  • Adventist Resource
    Freedom of Water - A Service Learning Unit Grade 5-Grade 12
    In this 100+ page unit, "students will learn facts about water consumption, availability, symbolism, cleanliness, etc. Students will read and write about water issues. Through exposure to information about the need for water world-wide, students will...

  • Adventist Resource
    Keeping Everyone Healthy at School - Prevention, the Best Treatment Part II Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Since teachers spend many hours each day with students, they are in an excellent position to detect early physical and/or behavioral changes that may indicate an illness or infection, and thus prevent its spread. This article explains infectious disease indicators...

  • Adventist Resource
    Water Supply, Environmental Hygiene and Health Grade 7-Lifelong
    Adeove examines "the biblical basis in support of adequate use of water as a special resource from God, and the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the transmission of water and hygiene - related diseases. The essay will serve as an example to health...