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  • Christian Resource
    ChristianAnswers WebBible Encyclopedia Grade 5-Lifelong
    Link to over 4,100 articles and definitions of biblical facts. Resources include "over 96,000 convenient, cross-reference hyperlinks to the Bible, definitions, meanings of words, and answers from biblical experts."

  • Christian Resource
    Rose Publishing Grade 1-Lifelong
    Source of full-color easy-to-use Bible reference materials, including Bible charts, Bible maps, Bible timelines and more. Rose Publishing's mission is to make Bible and Christian topics easy to understand and more interesting. Then and Now Bible Maps...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Canon of the Bible - A Brief Review Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article talks about how the Old and New Testaments were recognized by Christianity as genuine and inspired. It acknowledges the wisdom of the counsel who accepted and discarded the books they felt inspired to use as important parts of the Bible. They...

  • Adventist Resource
    Using the Word - Studying Biblical References in Poetry Grade 11-Tertiary
    Poetry provides excellent opportunities for teaching students how to apply scriptures to their daily lives, thereby enhancing students' faith in the word of God and their appreciation for biblical principles. This is the goal of integrating faith with learning...