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  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Standards for High School Science Courses Grade 9-Grade 12
    Download the performance standards for Science courses in North American Adventist high schools: Earth Science Physical...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Journey of Faith and Science Grade 11-Lifelong
    The author, currently an assistant professor of medicinal chemistry, has "found that though the conflict between faith and science may occasionally strain friendships, and has strained several of mine over the years, there is no logical tension between...

  • Christian Resource
    Apologia High School Science Grade 7-Grade 12
    A Christian high school science curriculum that is readable, easy to understand, and has experiments which can be performed in a small or home school. The curriculum is backed by a question/answer support system.

  • Adventist Resource
    Clarifying Chemistry - What Is Motivating Grade 6-Grade 12
    Thoughts from a former chemistry teacher about unifying as a science department, as well as getting students excited about chemistry. Includes a basic experiment sure to catch students'attention.

  • Adventist Resource
    Culinary Chemistry and Other Concepts for the Science Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The presenter of this 2018 NAD convention breakout session showed "how food can be used to teach chemical concepts. Participants [explored] science experiments that use easily obtained materials and are adaptable to many classrooms." Open the presentation...

  • Adventist Resource
    Ethical Choices in the Genetic Age, Part 1: Reproductive Cloning Grade 9-Lifelong
    In Part 1 of this article, Zuccarelli discusses recent developments and ethical issues raised on the topic of reproductive cloning. He sets out to provide basic information about reproductive cloning, stem cells, and gene therapy, and suggests that three factors...

  • Adventist Resource
    Getting Ready for General Chemistry in College Grade 9-Grade 12
    "Success in first year college general chemistry has been linked to higher college degree completion rates along with proper preparation for science and medical careers." In this 2018 NAD convention breakout session, chemistry instructors from Andrews...

  • Adventist Resource
    Habitat Responsibility - Teaching Stewardship Through Chemistry Tertiary-Lifelong
    Wright gives a suggestion for a class entitled "Chemistry in Society". "The class project as it is currently formulated allows the student to express his or her acquired awareness and concern as a Christian steward, or a serious intention to...

  • Adventist Resource
    Invigorating Seventh-day Adventist Science Education With Chemical Knowledge of God’s Creation Kindergarten-Tertiary
    “Seventh-day Adventist education must be on the forefront of taking scientific information and partnering it with the creation story. We, as Adventist scientists and teachers, must learn how to define and defend intelligently designed systems to show...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: What About Science? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This editorial is part of a special issue on Adventist thinking about science and its teaching in denominational schools. James Hayward states that the pursuit of scientific knowledge through research can be carried out under the presupposition that God exists...

  • Adventist Resource
    Making Science Real with Lab Notebooks and Whiteboards Grade 9-Grade 12
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation shows how any demonstration or lab activity can be enhanced by having students use lab notebooks to record data and observations. Large white boards can be used as a presentation tool where students are able to...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD K-12 Textbook Lists Grade 9-Grade 12
    Access the current textbook recommendations for Adventist elementary and secondary schools operating in the North American Division. Note that some unions have supplements for their schools.

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Science Curriculum Guide 9-12 Grade 9-Grade 12
    The NAD science curriculum guide for Grades 9-12 includes rationale, philosophy, goals, scope and sequence, and content overview for each of the major disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Physics. It is intended as a guide...

  • Adventist Resource
    Preparing Students for College Science Courses Grade 7-Grade 12
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation joins three science departments from Southern Adventist University in discussing the challenges high school students face when they take introductory science courses and the knowledge and skills we expect them...

  • Adventist Resource
    Science - NAD Secondary Textbook List Grade 9-Grade 12
    The current NAD textbook list for high school science classes, including multiple options for earth science, physical science, biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy & physiology. Strengths for most textbooks are listed, as well as weaknesses and concerns...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Physical Science from a Christian Perspective Tertiary-Lifelong
    Ben Clausen shares ideas and suggestions on integrating faith into the teaching of science. A brief historical overview of Judeo-Christian foundations of scientific principles is presented. Also discussed are specific examples of physical science topics that...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Freshman 15 and Chemical Design of Earth’s Air Tertiary-Lifelong
    "Could there be a way to discern acts of intelligence from natural causes in the chemical world? This article addresses the initial aspects of such an analysis from a chemical approach."