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  • Adventist Resource
    Birgid Faber - Dialogue With an Adventist Orthodontist in Germany Grade 11-Lifelong
    "As an orthodontist I work with children, who usually come with their parents. This allows me to draw their attention to the gospel, for example, by putting a certain kind of literature in our waiting room. We live in quite a religious area, with different...

  • Adventist Resource
    Habits and Habitats Grade 3-Grade 4
    Previous Adventist Science/Health textbook for Grades 3-4 (even year). Components include student text, teacher's edition, and Packets of Related Material for each book. Related Materials include worksheets, experiments, task cards, and enrichment cards designed...

  • Adventist Resource
    National Association of Seventh-day Adventist Dentists - NASDAD Tertiary-Lifelong
    A non-profit Christian organization composed of Seventh-day Adventist dentists, dental hygienists, and associated members who share a common vision to present Christ and His love to the world, whose purpose is to reflect Him in the pursuit of excellence in...

  • Adventist Resource
    Ramón Eduardo Fuentes Fernández - Dialogue with an Adventist Professor-Researcher in Dentistry in Chile Grade 11-Lifelong
    "Dr. Fuentes is well known for his support of the Adventist church in the South American Division— offering advice and guidance in different areas of management, accreditation, and research in higher education, especially in the area of dental education."

  • Adventist Resource
    Sir James Carlisle - Dialogue with the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda Grade 11-Lifelong
    Sir James Carlisle answers questions regarding his career and his faith - How were you attracted to Adventism? Do you find opportunities to witness for your faith in connection with your work? Is your family involved in Christian activities?